
He's my drop dead sexy boyfriend!!!!!!!!

On this site I'll include everything about my wonderful, sexy and smart boyfriend. He is amazing, ya'll WISH he was yours but NOPE he's mine and HAH take that PERSIANNA YOU.... YOU... grr - I don't like you. (long story everyone)

Disclaimer : Steve is not gay, nor is he african.. umm obviously... This is meant to be ajoke for the one I adore!!!!!!!! Seriously, I could not livwe without him, he's the love of my life. He's always there for me no matter how mean I am, I love him more than anything ever ever ever!!!!!!!! he is perfection! xoxoxoxoxo MUAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A film reel; Actual size=240 pixels wide

To my left here is steve exploring his african roots. The bananas are a symbol of his masculinity down below, the tassels on his ears symbolize his confidence in his manliness, not being afraid to explore his more feminine side. His one eye being closed is a wink to the liadies, "Come and get me girls..."........................................... Now - the picture below, the knives smbolize his willingness to kill if anyone tries to mess his hair up - trust me I know! Or, he will uset hem if you try and tickle him in the one spot only i know of that is ticklish.. hahaha


This picture below (VERY OLD BY THE WAY) is steve NOT SCARED to show that deep inside he is gay, yes, inside he wants to take it in the butt... by sporting a baby blue turtleneck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (in all reality I brought it for him, it is SO cute mmmm, I just wanna eat him up.. stay back gay men! back I say!)
